Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Our Frugal Life is FULL !

We live a fairly frugal life, although, we are crowded with abundance here!

For my birthday, my incredible friend Mag got me a new baby. She's bald, and we've named her Cecilia Amelia. Seriously. (Thanks random name generator!) (That's her, sitting beside Alex Ander.)

I bought these super fun appliques for my market bags and fun sewing from applique heaven . She's in Ontario, which made me happy. It's fun to get fun stuff, goo over it a while, then make it into something else and pass the happiness on!

About a week ago I was gifted with an abundance of goodies from a friend who has been purging her house! I got a bag of material scraps, half finished projects, TONS of ribbon and lace, a sewing box with cantilever trays (you know, the kind that open out into little steps) and all SORTS of crafty goodness. In it were a baggie of granny squares - about 40 of them. I'm crocheting them into scarves! (for my birthday, I also got a travelling bag from my sweethearts parents, that also have the cantilever trays. I take projects with me everywhere, and I'm so excited about the travelling box!)

My Cottage Gardener seeds arrived yesterday! I buy Heirloom and Organic seeds for my garden every year. It's about frugal living - growing one's own food. Plus, I just really really like farting around in the garden.

This year, as well as having the strawberries and the Boxcar Willie tomatoes (seeds left from last year) I got:
  • Heirloom Sunflower Mix,
  • Small Sugar Pumpkin (organic, for pies),
  • Black Beauty Summer Squash (organic)
  • Straight Eight Cucumber (organic),
  • Isis Candy Tomato (sustainably grown),
  • Little Finger carrots (organic),
  • Small shining light watermelon (organic) and
  • Bull's Bloot Beet (certified organic, you eat the greens like spinach, not so much the beet.)
and, as I was sitting here writing this, who should arrive, but my NEW Redheaded Cabbage Patch Girl! She's going to need a facewash before I get pics... tomorrow, I'll tell you all about her!

Anyway, I look around our home, and I feel blessed. We thrift, work from home, and are creative. I'm really proud when I see what we've accomplished and I'm really happy with life. It's good, when you know where to look.

1 comment:

Jen B said...

Frugal living doesn't have to mean no fun! That is a great score from your friend - not only do you have lots of crafty stuff to work on, I'm sure your friend is happy to see her things go to someone who will use them! Keep having fun! :)