I was invited to a seed swap that happened yesterday. It seemed that everyone else who attended had a big farm, with goats and sheep and and and. It was very cool to meet the people who had come, and listen to their stories.
The farm that the swap was happening at was nearly unreal. A whole 5 minute drive from the small town it overlooks (the view was INCREDIBLE.) The farmhouse itself was gorgeous. Perfectly comfortable and adorably farmhouse. With lots of land. We were greeted by two big farm dogs, which took me back to when I was young and we made regular visits to an uncles farm.
At one point the hostess mentioned how many cows were currently in her barn (It was over 20) and everyone talked about their CSA plans (Stands for Community Supported Agriculture. People pay to support the farm ahead of time for the food they'll grow, and get boxes of veg and/or meat usually over a season or the year.) and It was a little whelming for me. With my tiny little plot of in-town land, and 2 rabbits. (which will soon be more, by the way. I watched Giselle's belly jumping last night, and today is the 30th day after breeding... so in the next 4 days we should have kits! I digress...)
The seed exchange was CRAZY fun, just like Christmas. I got a LOAD of seeds and I'm going to have to replot my own garden, plus figure out if I can use some bits of my inlaws this year, I think. The only seeds I had to share this year where my BoxCar Willie tomatoes, an heirloom seed... I packaged them all up nicely and labelled them.
The table was a big farm table, and we all sat around and there was a spred of goodies, and I had a tea (although my hostess REALLY wanted to give me wine. Which is never a good idea when I am trying to make a first impression. Ha! All I need is about 2 oz of the stuff before I'm looking to dance with or on something.. hehe.) From where I sat, I could see out of the window that overlooked the entire town. A perfect view.
The seeds I got from the swap...
Parsnip, Silverado Chard, Zeplin Delicada Squash, YinYang Beans (pole), Jacobs Cattle Beans (bush), Greek oregano, cilantro, calendula, dill, Pac choi, Rosa Bianca Eggplant, Broccoli, some tomato I've just recorded as "monica" lol..., Bok choi, onion seed, sweet mini bell pepper, long sweet red pepper, Jeminez pole bean, bunching onions, totem hybrid dwarf tomato, lettuce, ...
what I have from my own from last year:
Galilie Spinach, Mesclun mix, burbank red tomato, hutterite bush bean, radish mix, nosegay hot pepper, dwarf sugar pea, little finger carrot, little finger eggplant, cocozelle zucchini, and ofcourse my boxcar willie tomatoes...
Kori, such great times. I will let you know the next time we all get together, or when Julie has her maple syrup day, the girls will love it, pancakes made over an open fire! We'll pick you up. I love your blog!
So Weird, I meant to write 'Lori' lol
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