Monday, October 24, 2011

Food foodfoodfoodfood....

Today I feel particularly abundant. I spent all day in the kitchen. (ok, all day after about 10am-ish.)

I'm used to baking FAST - one recipe is ready as the next is coming out. So, today I had a few goals - snacks for the kids for school, and getting some of the garden and farmers market produce dealt with.

Made little zucchini bread and banana bread, a whole pile of oatmeal raisin cookies, and some bran and chocolate chip muffins. (just enough chocolate chips to get them to eat the whole muffin! lol.) I froze a bunch of them, and I'm hoping it'll get me through at least 2 weeks of lunch snacks (I'm erring on the side of "Teenager Appetite.")

The few sweet potatoes and beets left have just come out of the oven (sweet potato buscuits are in my future, and the beets are going to end up for dinner.) But there are about 15 little tomatoes, 2 big zucchinis, 3 acorn squash, a bag of dirty dirty potatoes, some shrivelling peppers and an enormous amount of carrots that need my attention. Not to mention what ever might be out in the garden left out in the cold... (a few eggplant, MORE chard, renegade tomatoes, and ofcourse BEANS!)

Right. After. This. Tea.

My brain is full of FOOD. Filling up the freezer, making casseroles, filling the crock pot. Is it just the time of year? Harvest and getting ready for winter? Am a channelling squirrels?

I'm pleased with how tired my legs are from standing all day in the kitchen. (again, 'all day' translates into about 4 hours.)

What else is new?

*I'm playing with my own radio station - for my tarot. How much fun is that??
*I got accepted into the First Light Craft Show - this is a big deal for me! I'll be
sewing dollies like mad for the next month.
*The Urban Agriculture course is AWESOME. It makes me so HAPPY!
*This week, my business partners Tara and Ed are getting their BMW (27th) This means I'll be skipping Stitch n Bitch this week. (Ladies, bring your stitching to the car dealership! lol.)
*My own Vi business is picking up momentum, fast! I love check delivery Mondays!
*Oh, and I think I'm not even going to attempt NaNoWriMo this year. So sad.

I think that is all of the updates... I think.
Oh, I did have a big rant about abundance... but I think I'll save it for another blog.

Lori :)

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