Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Distinction #2 - And what happened the first 21 days.

My First 21 days of the "21 Distinctions of Wealth" has gone well. I feel a state of peace surrounding the coming and going of money in my wallet and hands, where there used to be stress and agitation. There always seems to be cash in my wallet.  I also manifested 3 job offers/opportunities (I wasn't out looking for them - these were either suggestions to me or actually being asked if I wanted a position.) I also had more business requests (for the readings I do AND the Reflexology.) and it's been picking up momentum each week. 

This is my second "21 day" Distinction. it revolves around the phrase "The willingness to give it all up leads to having it all."

My wealth takes many forms. I tend a beautiful, lush garden that bursts into bloom in the sunshine. I have faith that I am growing richer every day in many ways. 

Abundance and prosperity are always available to me. I have complete confidence in my ability to foster and create wealth. I am always wealthy. 

Riches flow into my life. I allow them to come to me from all directions, to wash over me, and to fill me up. I am saturated with wealth.

I allow abundance to pour into my life,and I open myself to the Universe's bounty. Wealth comes to me at the exact time I need it. I have as much money as I need, and more.


I'll be repeating this 3 times a day - with feeling! The first Distinction produced some really great results for me, Spiritually/Emotionally and physically.  This is a Hay House published book. If you want to follow along with me on this, or try it for yourself in your own timing, you can find this book here:

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Oh, and also, I have a coldsore.

Life is Sweet. And there are books in me.

I am going to audition for a part in a play tomorrow. Why? I'm not sure. The Universe knows things I don't yet, I guess.

My reflexology exam is coming up. I hope I've got enough of it in my brain to pass. Dear Goddess.

I am ready for 2 full weeks off, with pay, and with my kids visiting elsewhere, so I can get my house cleaned from top to bottom. It's either that, or I clone myself a few times, so they can help me out with all 3 floors. And a few other things, too. Yes. Clones.

I've been marketing myself on the interwebs. Goddess, this has to work.

I've been antsy to get seedlings started. It is far too early though, I know.

I feel like I need to start selling some of the dolls and things around here. How do I do that?? It requires a block of time, and concentration. And awakedness. Lately I have been very very sleepy.

I have been bringing stuff home from the thrift store. These are almost always marked with "someday" and "I'm going to do that." I will, I will.

It's 6:53pm. I did half the dishes. Fed the children. Couldn't find the cat pee smell. (jerks.) Wanted a bath, but I'm positive I'll fall asleep in the tub. This is a dumb way to die.

Life is Sweet. I'm glad I'm breathing. Tomorrow, all the things. (I imagine it will take me hours of cleaning and mopping to locate the smell. So, maybe not all the things. Jerks.)


Friday, January 11, 2013

Love Scent Pheromones.

What happens when you are up late at night surfing?

You end up HERE:

Sample Love Scent Pheromones - for men or women!

or HERE:

Sensual Massage Bars

or HERE:

Shop e.l.f. Cosmetics - $1 Makeup

Yes. All the Pheromones.


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

21 Distinctions of Wealth.

A shimmering, golden fortune is mine.

Wealth flows into me like a fertile river, nuturing me, enrichig me, and helping me produce all that I desire.

Inside me is sheer opulence. I am filled with riches, teeming with possibilities. My tremendous wealth is flowing forth, nourishing my life and nourishing everyone around me.

I have always had all the wealth that I need. I savour the riches that are my birthright.


I'm not sure if the book was given to me, or if I bought it from the thrift store in a pile of other books. It's called 21 Distinctions of Wealth: Attract the Abundance You Deserve . (that's an Amazon link)  My youngest brought it out of her room - I guess it was in the closet since we all switched rooms. It was one of those things that was put in my hands at the exact right time.

I'm 3 days into the program. Which lasts a little over a year. Also, perfect timing.

It takes about 3 weeks to establish a habit. So, for 3 weeks, 3 times a day, after reading the small chapter in the book, you repeat, feel, embrace some sentences that will open you up to abundance.

This from the book blurb:
..... books on wealth creation have overlooked the powerful forces available inside each of us that we can harness and direct in order to manifest all that we desire and deserve. ... guidance on how to alter our behaviours and emotions to actually change the nature of our relationship with the powerful stream of abundance that we can tap into at anytime. 

Now - I am generally very good at this already. I have done it, with more than just money. (And my intention is to find the money we need to live our modest life, but in ways that are authentic to my souls work. ) But, with where my mind has been the last 3+ months, I feel like I need an abundance 'refill.' A refresher course.

So, the next three weeks I will spend with the above phrases in my head. It's written on a paper next to my computer, and above my bed, and will be on a card in my purse, so I can refer to it during the day. Let's see what happens this year. :)

If you are interested in finding this book new, I suggest going straight to Hay House: 
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