Monday, January 26, 2009

Are The Holidays Over Yet?

My attempt at taking a pick, by myself, of my big hair.

I love doing great big hair-do's.

So, I feel like i"m just NOW coming down off the holiday craziness. But, really what's been happening, is I"ve been painting like a madwoman.

I have a show for the month of February, at The Rye Cafe in Midland, Ontario, and I'm very excited. But not nearly prepared as I'd like to be.

I've also been chipping away at the mess I like to call home. There are THINGS to DO here! I make GREAT messes. So, the challenge has been to clean a little something everyday, and still maintain all the cleaning I"ve done previously. I never wanted to be obsessed with the state of my house... but I sure would like to have company over without moving what ever crafting project I've got on the go, piles of books, and toys. (see the balls of yarn shoved on the couch arm, next to where I was painting? Yeah... that sort of thing...)

Yes, Virginia, I'm still sewing diapers. They are pretty popular! I've now got some pink and white gingham, blue and white gingham, as well as the rainbow bubble pattern for flannel. I've also tweaked the pattern, so it fits better with the extra layers inside.

See them at etsy!

See YOU at the Rye in February!

Friday, January 2, 2009

I'm a Grinner, I'm a Lover, I'm a Sinner....

My world ROCKS.

I TOTALLY got the part in the Vagina Monologues that I was after... and not only did I get the moans, I got the entire monologue... I am just THRILLED. The production is one day only, and it's at the beginning of February. (I have to double check the date exactly...)

Also, I'm going to do a bit of a "release" with The Purr of the Mattress in February. The subject matter (Love, The trouble a purring mattress can get you into, the joys and pain...) fit rather nicely with Valentines.

To top of my absolute happiness and excitement, I have booked an art show for February. It will run the entire month of February at The Rye Cafe on King Street. The theme, ofcourse, will revolve around love. I'm just not sure what we'll call it yet. The Lovers? (as in the Tarot card?) Lovers in a Dangerous Time? (after the Tom Cochrane song?) or "I Really Like You're Peaches?" hahahhaha. (We listened to 104.1 The Dock all day yesterday, too... I danced around the kitchen while painting and running juice to pixies.)

We painted ALL day yesterday. Stopped at 5pm, figuring we should feed the children. (they had breakie and lunch, but the kitchen was off limits to them, as I didn't want toasty fingers on pretty new canvasses.)

I'm really happy with the results I've gotten in the last few days on the canvas. I'm surprising myself! The paint is co-operating, the days are perfectly suited. I haven't gotten out much this "holiday", and I'm good with that.

So, now to ride this wave of good good good, and use all my magick to continue to make things HAPPEN.

Lovey Dovey Lovey Dovey Lovey Dovey,...
