So, I have a pile of blogs. It's inevidable that some will get neglected.
I've been having all the deep thoughts today, and I wonder WHAT blog they belong on. And does it really matter?
My tomatoes are up about 3",and my Green peppers are up about 2". This weekend ( or possibly Friday afternoon) I'm putting some greens into the outside boxes, and my peas. Depending on how much rain there is. According to my planning, the weekend that just passed should have seen them in, but with the finicky April start, I'm feeling a little pensive.
It feels so good to get started, though. This time of year reminds me of who I really am, when I'm not busy entertaining myself with bonsai and corsets and singing and art. I have such a love for gardening, and I love the little piece of property I live on. It KNOWS me.
Yes, I'd love a piece of land that is my own... I've been here for Ten years, though. And every year I swear up and down will be my last. That I will finally be in my own home. I've been advised to love this home like it's my own. I've been told to let it go, remove all the love for it. So much energy work has happened under this roof. My children have grown up here.
And since I figure, unless the lotto comes along, that I'll be here until they are all grown and moved out, I might as well embrace it.
There are more things swirling around my head. Maybe they'll end up on another blog..