Littlest Pixie: "Who is this?"
Me: "That's Steve Bucemi. He's my boyfriend."
Pixie: long pause ".....But, what about Corey?"
Me: He's my boyfriend too.. But Steve Bucemi is my BOOOOOYYFFRRRIIEEENNDDD♥ ♥ ♥
Pixie: "Ew."
Other random comments."How old is he?" "Is he still alive?" "Does he wear glasses?" "Does he still look like THIS?" "You love a 50-something year old? Ew."
They have been trying to torture me for weeks now - Stealing my Steve Buscemi, trying to mess up my pic by kissing it with their gooey kid lips...
But, they don't know 'bout us.
And they've never heard of love.
i totally get this...
and some day the pixies will as well...
Haha so cute.. I adore you and your fan girl crush on Steve Buscemi
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