For the longest time, I was ordering from the US site... not realizing that there was a Canadian site at all. The Canadian site has a deal right now, Save up to 90% + GET FREE SHIPPING
The garden is producing! We picked a whole 5 little sweet peppers (an heirloom plant - the peppers are sweet, but long and thin.) and yesterday I blanched and froze all the beans that came off the little pixies monster bean plant. We also blanched and froze all the swiss chard I felt we could pick and still keep the plants alive. They reduce down so much! But, they'll keep producing, so I know there'll be more.
Tomorrow I'm aiming at making some green tomato chow.
I've finished reading "The 4 Hour Work Week." I think I need to own a copy of this book. Inspiring and opened my eyes to so much.
So, that's what's new. Today, I napped, after a trip downtown where I ran into a friend I haven't seen in a year! The elder pixie got her retainer adjusted, and we totally ended up skipping the library today, in exchange for a visit on the church lawn.
Life is Good!
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