Here we have a rather frightened moose - I made these for my F.I.L. as he's a hunter. Beside him is a "suit-and-tie-guy" complete with watch, who also looks a little stunned. (Corporate Office Work will make you look like that. hehe.)
These two little numbers were for my S.I.L. and B.I.L. An alien and a vampire... because I get BORED making traditional looking Ginger bread people... I'm totally segueing here... I'm not married, so these two wouldn't be my "in laws." They'd be more my S. and B.B.C. (Sister and Brother By Choice.) I think that's better.... ok, gingies continued....
I can't remember who got these ones (or who was to get these ones!) A man and woman are on vacation, and he got a little burnt. I loved these guys. hehehe..
Over the holidays I signed on two new Watkins Associates. Come Monday I'm going to sit down and look at my entire organization, and do some restructuring. I'm giving some people in my downline some extra associates under them. I still benefit, and it will build a stronger team. It also helps my associates earn a little extra too! If you are interested in building a long term home business, but DON'T want to do the selling part, take a look at our TEAMS Watkins site.
I did a little math, and I'm on track to my $3000 a month goal. If I continue working my business with the same momentum as I have in the last six months, I'll reach my goal by this time next year. I"m excited to be taking my team members to my goal with me! (Because if I'm earning, so are they!)
(I've been doing some extra training over the holidays... I'm excited and re-energized! )
Oh, I listed some brand new doll furniture on etsy over the holidays too. Wing chairs, nursing chairs, and a couch. (These are in 1:12 scale, but I can to them in 1:16 or 1:24) See etsy for more detailed pics.
Hope everyone had great holidays!
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