Thursday, August 13, 2009

Trepidation over Relaxation....

I am a Taurus. Despite my Aries-cusp and moon tendencies (I can be loud, boisterous, and outgoing!) I am deep down still very much a tenacious bull.

I'm going away with my sister for a few days. This disrupts the flow of life as I know it. My life is pretty laid back, but at the same time I'm always busy. I haven't gone away on vacation in..uh, .. hang on, I'm thinking....well, since I was still living under my parents roof. And that was probably onyl because I HAD to, and I bet I spent the bulk of the time away with my nose in a book. (I'm thinking it was Nova Scotia when I was 12.) Oh, unless you count my adventures in the city some 4 years ago...

I just don't "do" vacations. I like my home-base. I like the comforts of home. I like my routine.

But, I'm going. And I'm going to like it. I will relax and have fun and not be antsy...

(You just know I'll be bringing a bunch of cross stitching to do, and possibly some hemp and beads for necklaces... because I DON'T sit still very well.)

The last nearly 5 months has put me into a rather delicious routine, revolving around work, crafting, facebook, the children, and Mr. Incredible.

I hope I can figure out this R&R thing. There will be books.... and perhaps some long awaited writing....

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